
Event GURUGURU Dialogue


I wonder if I am good as I am now. I wonder if I can change or make a good change.... If you have ever felt like that, it's a great feeling! The time has come for you to "think in your own way" about all of these things. Let's take this opportunity to start "thinking in our own way!

Event Next Generation Keiei Community


As the first dialogue seminar of the next generation keiei community, this event will explore clues for dealing problems based on the failures experienced by Tomohiro Matsuo of Shingo Denzai Co., Ltd.

Dialogue poniponi people 004
Hayako Oba

ポニポニピープル 004 大庭早子

Hayako Oba was involved in the design of UZUUZU MINE, a place where everyone's “voracity” seems to spring forth, from an architectural perspective. She talked about how the building in front of Omuta Station was renovated and dismantled to become UZUUZU MINE, based on the experience he gained from his move to Brazil, and how this affected her.

Event Gokigenyo Public Viewing


At the end of February 2025, UZUUZU MINE will move to the next phase. The next space is still empty, but will be filled with life in the future. Before that, we hold a public preview event for everyone. All are welcome to come.

New Arrivals


Project VR Tour Project

Project Housing

Project Learning Innovation

Project Collaboration Agreement on Regional Development for DX, Innovation Creation, and Regional Symbiosis with a Focus on People's Lives

Project Omuta City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan

Project Joint experiment in solving social issues through a person-centered living laboratory where local communities and companies interact in a new way


Thoughts Thoughts

Activity Domain uzuuzu

Activity Domain Questions and Dialogues

Activity Domain Social System Design

Activity Domain Living Lab